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4 Signs That You Need New Blinds

November 13, 2023

When it comes to easy-to-install window treatments, blinds have always been popular. Is it time for you to invest in new blinds? According to Home Advisor, vinyl blinds may only last three to five years, while hardwood and high-end fabric blinds can last up to 20 years with little care and maintenance. In addition to age, there are other key indicators that you need new blinds. Here are some signals it may be time to seek a replacement for these window treatments.

1. Warped Slats

When your slats open or close, do some appear warped and bent? You may ask yourself, how did your blinds become warped when you didn't actively damage them? If your home has had problems with humidity or excessive heat, that can naturally alter the materials of certain blinds. For example, your vinyl blinds are especially susceptible to heat or moisture, whereas metal blinds aren't as malleable.

2. Missing Slats

Do your blinds never feel completely closed because you have a few missing slats? Some blinds have been damaged to the point where parts or all of a slat are missing. It can make your window treatments look unsightly and unkempt. Plus, the whole point of having window treatments is to keep out unwanted daylight and protect your privacy. Get new blinds so that you can properly benefit from them again.

3. Difficulty Raising and Lowering

Blinds are some of the easiest window treatments to handle. As long as they're functioning properly, you just pull a string or use the bottom of the blinds to open and close them. When you're having issues raising and lowering them, it can be a cause for new blinds. In addition to having a problem with a worn-out moving mechanism, the cords may be frayed, making them unable to carry the load of the blinds. Those blinds may be in danger of falling, which could hurt little kids or pets if they're standing nearby.

4. Discoloration

As you look at your blinds, have you noticed they've become discolored? Remember, your blinds have direct exposure to the UV rays from the sun. Direct exposure to the sunlight can easily make the once vibrant color or material fade. It may also show that your blinds are deteriorating and will no longer function properly.

Investing in new blinds for your windows ensures you can maintain privacy and design aesthetics. With so many styles and materials to choose from, you don't have to live with outdated blinds that can no longer function. Contact our team at All About Blinds & Tint for consultation.

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